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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - leave


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~1 v past tense and past participle left LEAVE A PLACE, VEHICLE 1 »LEAVE« to go away from a place or a person  (What time did you leave the office? | They were so noisy that the manager asked them to leave.) + for  (They're leaving for Rome in the morning.) [m]leave to do sth  (Franca left early to meet her mother. | leave sb doing sth)  (Ann left Keith dozing in the chair.) 2 »TRAIN/SHIP ETC« to get off a train, ship etc  (Make sure to check the overhead luggage compartments before you leave the plane.) 3 leave sb to sth to go away and let someone continue what they are doing  (I'll leave you to your work.) 4 leave him to himself/leave her to herself etc to go away from someone so that they are alone »LEAVE YOUR JOB, HOME, WIFE ETC« 5 »HOME/SCHOOL ETC« to stop living at your parents' home, stop going to school etc  (Zoe wants to be a hairdresser when she leaves school. | Tom wants to leave home.) 6 »HUSBAND/WIFE ETC« to stop living with someone you had a close relationship with  (leave sb for sb (=leave in order to live with someone else))  (Jan's husband's left her for another woman.) 7 »COUNTRY/PLACE« to stop living in a country, town etc and go somewhere else  (They're leaving Minneapolis to live in Santa Fe.) 8 »JOB/COMPANY« to stop working for a particular organization or being a member of a group  (Bill's leaving the company after 25 years' service. | We are concerned about the number of young people leaving the church. | a leaving present (=for someone who is leaving)) 9 leave sb alone to stop annoying or upsetting someone  (Why can't you just leave her alone?) 10 leave sth alone to stop touching something  (Will you leave that piano alone? | leave it/this alone)  (Leave it alone or you'll break it!) 11 leave go of/leave hold of BrE to stop holding something  (Leave go of me!) 12 leave it at that used to say that you have said or done enough about something  (Let's leave it at that for today.) »LEAVE STH SOMEWHERE« 13 »LET STH REMAIN« T always + adv/prep to let something or someone stay where they are when you go away  (leave sth in/on etc)  (Someone's left their car in the middle of the driveway. | If you leave that on the floor, it'll get trodden on and broken. | I've left the kids with Sandra.) 14 »FORGET STH« T always + adv/prep to forget to take something with you when you leave a place  (leave sth behind/in/on etc)  (Oh no! I've left the paperwork in my office.) 15 »FOR SB TO FIND« to put something in a place where someone else can find it  (Miriam always leaves a spare key under the plant. | I'll leave you some milk in the fridge.) 16 »LETTER/MESSAGE« to leave a letter, package, message etc somewhere for someone  (If you'd care to leave your name and number, he'll call you right back. | leave sth for sb/leave sb sth)  (Lucy left a note for you. | Who left me this message? | leave word with sb (=leave a message with someone))  (Could you leave word with my secretary if you can't make it?) »REMAIN« 17 »BE LEFT« to remain after everything else has been taken away or used  (I'll have another brandy if there's any left. | By 5 o'clock there was hardly anyone left in the office. | have sth left)  (How much time do we have left to finish this? | be left over (=remain after you have used or spent all the rest))  (If there's any money left over, you can keep it for yourself.) »NOT DO STH« 18 »DELAY« to not do something until later  (Let's leave the dishes for tomorrow. | Leave it another week, then tell him he'll have to decide. | Leave the batter to stand for 15 minutes. | leave sth for now)  (Leave the filing for now. You can do it later.) 19 »NOT DO STH« to not do something that you ought to do  (I couldn't face the ironing so I just left it.) 20 »NOT EAT/DRINK« if you leave food or drink, you do not eat it because you do not like it or you have had enough  (If you don't like the stew, just leave it.) 21 leave sb/sth be to not disturb or annoy someone, or not touch or move something  (Just leave Jenny be and she'll sort things out for herself.) 22 leave well (enough) alone to not try to change a situation in case you make it worse than it was before  (If I were you I would leave well alone.) 23 leave sb to their own devices to not tell someone what to do or offer them help, but let them do what they decide to do STATE/POSITION 24 a) to make something stay, or let something stay in a particular state or position  (How did you leave things after the meeting? | Leave the batter to stand for 15 minutes. | leave sth open/empty/untidy etc)  (I wish you'd stop leaving the door open. | The trial left a lot of questions unanswered. | leave sth on/off/out etc)  (Leave the television on, will you? | leave sth doing sth)  (I'll just leave the engine running while I pop in.) b) if something leaves you in a particular condition, you are in that condition as a result of it  (Paying for the repairs left Jim without a cent. | Frankly, their rudeness left me speechless. | leave sb doing sth)  (Carla's narrow escape left her shaking with terror.) »DECIDE/CHOOSE« 25 »LET SB DECIDE/TAKE RESPONSIBILITY« to let someone decide something or take responsibility for something  (leave sth with sb)  (Leave it with me and I'll fix it for you. | leave sth to sb (=let someone choose or decide))  (I've always left financial decisions to my wife. | leave doing sth to sb)  (I'll leave buying the tickets to you. | leave sb to do sth BrE)  (I'll leave you to choose which film we see. | leave it to me (=I'll take responsibility for it))  (Leave it to me. I'll make sure it gets posted. | leave it (up) to sb to do sth)  (We left it to Dad to get the packing done. | I'll leave it up to you to decide. | leave sth to chance (=take no action and just wait and see what happens)) 26 leave sb with no choice/option to force someone to do something because there is nothing else they can do  (You leave me with no option but to resign.) »DEATH« 27 »WHEN YOU DIE« a) to give something to someone after you die  (The old lady left $5 million. | leave sth to sb/sth)  (He had left all his money to charity. | leave sb sth)  (Hugo left me his mother's ring.) b) to have members of your family still alive when you die  (Collins leaves a wife and three children.) »OTHER MEANINGS« 28 leave a space/gap etc to deliberately make a space etc when you are doing something  (Leave a 10 centimetre gap between the young plants. | leave room)  (Drivers should always leave plenty of room for cyclists.) 29 leave a mark/stain/scar etc to make a mark etc that remains afterwards  (The cut was deep and left a terrible scar. | William had left a trail of muddy footprints across the floor.) 30 leave sb cold to not interest or excite someone at all  (Modern Jazz leaves me cold, I'm afraid.) 31 leave sb/sth standing informal to be much better, quicker etc than someone or something else  (Anna leaves all her classmates standing.) 32 leave a lot to be desired to be very unsatisfactory  (Your conduct this term has left a lot to be desired.) 33 leave a bad taste in your mouth if an experience leaves a bad taste in your mouth, remembering it upsets you or makes you feel uncomfortable  (The things she said really left a nasty taste in my mouth.) 34 leave no stone unturned to do everything that you can in order to find something or solve a problem  (Jarvis left no stone unturned in his search for the manuscript.) 35 leave sth aside/leave sth to one side to not think about or consider something for a time, so that you can think about something else  (leaving aside (=used to say that you do not want to consider something for a time))  (Leaving aside the question of expense, what's your opinion?)  (- see also take it or leave it take1 (18a)) leave sb/sth behind phr v 1 to forget to take something with you when you leave a place  (I think I left my credit card behind at the restaurant.) 2 to move far ahead of someone who cannot run, walk, or drive as fast as you can  (leave sb far behind BrE /leave sb way behind especially AmE)  (I was soon left far behind.) 3 to let something or someone stay in a place when you go away, especially permanently  (Sooner or later we have to leave our parents behind.) 4 be/get left behind to not work as well or as quickly as someone else, so that you make less progress than they do  (You'll have to put in some extra work at night if you don't want to get left behind.) leave off phr v informal to stop doing something  (I wish the rain would leave off for five minutes. | Let's start again from where we left off. | leave off (doing) sth BrE)  (Leave off shouting! I can't hear myself think in here.) leave sb/sth out phr v 1 to not include someone or something in a group, list, activity etc  (You've left out a zero in this phone number. | leave sb/sth out of sth)  (Kidd has been left out of the team.) 2 be/feel left out to feel as if you are not accepted or welcome in a social group  (All the others seemed to know each other and I began to feel left out.) 3 leave it out! BrE spoken used to tell someone to stop lying, pretending, or being annoying ~2 n 1 »HOLIDAY« time that you are allowed to spend away from your work, especially in the armed forces  (I've applied for three days' leave. | be on leave)  (I'm in command while Farringdon is on leave.) 2 sick/maternity/compassionate leave time that you are allowed to spend away from work because you are ill, because you have had a baby, or because of a personal problem such as the death of a relative 3 leave of absence a period of time that you are allowed to spend away from work for a particular purpose  (She's been given leave of absence to attend a computer course.) 4 take leave of your senses to become crazy and behave in a strange way  (You want to marry him? Have you taken leave of your senses?) 5 »PERMISSION« formal permission to do something, especially something you would not normally be allowed to do  (All this was done entirely without my leave. | leave to do sth)  (Julia had special leave to do her exams at home. | ask leave)  (He asked leave to speak to her in private.) 6 without so much as a by your leave old-fashioned without asking permission, in a way that seems very rude  (How dare you come marching into my office without so much as a by your leave?) 7 take leave of sb/take your leave formal to say goodbye to someone 8 by your leave old use used when asking permission to do something  (- see also take French leave French2 (3))
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  (leaves, leaving, left) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you leave a place or person, you go away from that place or person. He would not be allowed to leave the country... I simply couldn’t bear to leave my little girl... My flight leaves in less than an hour... The last of the older children had left for school. VERB: V n, V n, V, V for n 2. If you leave an institution, group, or job, you permanently stop attending that institution, being a member of that group, or doing that job. He left school with no qualifications... I am leaving to concentrate on writing fiction. ...a leaving present. VERB: V n, V, V-ing 3. If you leave your husband, wife, or some other person with whom you have had a close relationship, you stop living with them or you finish the relationship. He’ll never leave you. You need have no worry... I would be insanely jealous if Bill left me for another woman. VERB: V n, V n for n, also V 4. If you leave something or someone in a particular place, you let them remain there when you go away. If you leave something or someone with a person, you let them remain with that person so they are safe while you are away. From the moment that Philippe had left her in the bedroom at the hotel, she had heard nothing of him... Leave your key with a neighbour in case you lock yourself out one day. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n with n 5. If you leave a message or an answer, you write it, record it, or give it to someone so that it can be found or passed on. You can leave a message on our answering machine... Decide whether the ball is in square A, B, C, or D, then call and leave your answer... I left my phone number with several people. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n, V n with n 6. If you leave someone doing something, they are doing that thing when you go away from them. Salter drove off, leaving Callendar surveying the scene. VERB: V n -ing 7. If you leave someone to do something, you go away from them so that they do it on their own....
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (left; leaving)  Etymology: Middle English leven, from Old English l?fan; akin to Old High German verleiben to ~, Old English belifan to be left over, and perhaps to Lithuanian lipti to adhere, Greek lipos grease, fat  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a.  (1) bequeath, devise left a fortune to his son  (2) to have remaining after one's death ~s a widow and two children  b. to cause to remain as a trace or aftereffect oil ~s a stain the wound left an ugly scar  2.  a. to cause or allow to be or remain in a specified condition ~ the door open his manner left me cold  b. to fail to include or take along left the notes at home the movie ~s a lot out  c. to have as a remainder 4 from 7 ~s 3  d. to permit to be or remain subject to another's action or control just ~ everything to me  e. let  f. to cause or allow to be or remain available ~ room for expansion left myself an out  3.  a. to go away from ; depart ~ the room  b. desert, abandon left his wife  c. to terminate association with ; withdraw from left school before graduation  4. to put, deposit, or deliver before or in the process of departing I left a package for you ~ a message  intransitive verb set out, depart  • ~r noun Usage:  Leave (sense 2e) with the infinitive but without to ~ it be is a mostly spoken idiom used in writing especially for humorous effect. It is not often criticized in British English, but American commentators, adhering to an opinion first expressed in 1881, still dislike it.  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English leve, from Old English leaf; akin to Middle High German loube permission, Old English aly?fan to allow — more at believe  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. permission to do something  b. authorized especially extended absence from duty or employment  2. an act of leaving ; departure  III. intransitive verb  (~d; leaving)  Etymology: Middle English leven, from leef leaf  Date: 14th century leaf ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. & n. --v. (past and past part. left) 1 a tr. go away from; cease to remain in or on (left him quite well an hour ago; leave the track; leave here). b intr. (often foll. by for) depart (we leave tomorrow; has just left for London). 2 tr. cause to or let remain; depart without taking (has left his gloves; left a slimy trail; left a bad impression; six from seven leaves one). 3 tr. (also absol.) cease to reside at or attend or belong to or work for (has left the school; I am leaving for another firm). 4 tr. abandon, forsake, desert. 5 tr. have remaining after one's death (leaves a wife and two children). 6 tr. bequeath. 7 tr. (foll. by to + infin.) allow (a person or thing) to do something without interference or assistance (leave the future to take care of itself). 8 tr. (foll. by to) commit or refer to another person (leave that to me; nothing was left to chance). 9 tr. a abstain from consuming or dealing with. b (in passive; often foll. by over) remain over. 10 tr. a deposit or entrust (a thing) to be attended to, collected, delivered, etc., in one's absence (left a message with his secretary). b depute (a person) to perform a function in one's absence. 11 tr. allow to remain or cause to be in a specified state or position (left the door open; the performance left them unmoved; left nothing that was necessary undone). 12 tr. pass (an object) so that it is in a specified relative direction (leave the church on the left). --n. the position in which a player leaves the balls in billiards, croquet, etc. Phrases and idioms be left with 1 retain (a feeling etc.). 2 be burdened with (a responsibility etc.). be well left be well provided for by a legacy etc. get left colloq. be deserted or worsted. have left have remaining (has no friends left). leave alone 1 refrain from disturbing, not interfere with. 2 not have dealings with. leave be colloq. refrain from disturbing, not interfere with. leave behind 1 go away without. 2 leave as a consequence or a visible sign of passage. 3 pass. leave a person cold (or cool) not impress or...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) выйти 2) выходить 3) оставить 4) оставлять 5) отпуск 6) отходить 7) позволение 8) покидать 9) разрешение leave the pass underfilled — заполнять калибр неполностью vector to leave basis — вектор, исключаемый из базиса - leave blank - leave off ship - leave traces ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. отпуск - annual leave - compensatory leave - leave of court - leave without pay - maternity leave - overtime leave - paid leave - regular leave - sick leave - six months' leave Syn: holiday LEAVE сущ. 1) а) эк. тр. отпуск (период, в течение которого работник отсутствует на работе с разрешения руководства предприятия и сохраняет за собой право вернуться к работе в течение определенного периода; может предоставляться с сохранением полной заработной платы, с частичной оплатой или за свой счет) to go on leave — уйти в отпуск to be on leave — быть в отпуске application for leave — заявление о предоставлении отпуска six months' leave — шестимесячный отпуск Syn: holiday See: absence without leave, family leave, adoption leave, carer's leave, bereavement leave, garden leave, maternity leave, parental leave, paternity leave, sick leave, annual leave, long service leave, paid leave, leave schedule, leave pool, intermittent leave, compensatory time off б) воен. увольнительная, увольнение (период, в течение которого военнослужащий отсутствует на территории воинской части с разрешения командования) Syn: leave of absence 2) общ. разрешение, позволение to ask leave (to do smth.) — просить позволения (сделать что-л.) leave of court — разрешение суда; разрешение, данное судом leave to appeal — разрешение на апелляцию Syn: permission ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. разрешение, позволение by (with) your leave —- с вашего позволения leave of court —- разрешение суда to ask (to beg) leave to do smth. —- спрашивать (просить) разрешение (позволения) сделать что-л. to give (to grant) smb. to smth. —- дать кому-л. разрешение (позволение) сделать что-л.; позволить (разрешить) кому-л. сделать что-л. who gave you leave to go? —- кто разрешил вам уйти? 2. (также leave of absence) отпуск on leave —- в отпуске sick leave —- отпуск по болезни six mounth' leave —- шестимесячный отпуск research leave —- ам. творческий отпуск 3. воен. увольнение leave pass —- увольнительная записка; отпускное свидетельство leave allowance —- отпускное денежное содержание compassionate leave —- увольнение по семейным обстоятельствам 4. прощание, расставание to take (one's) leave —- прощаться, уходить to take leave of one's friends —- попрощаться с друзьями 5. исходная позиция (для бильярдных шаров) Id: to take leave of one's senses —- сойти с ума, рехнуться 6. уходить, уезжать to leave the room —- выйти из комнаты to leave the Moscow —- уехать из Москвы when does the train leave? —- когда отходит поезд? 7. (for) направляться, уезжать (куда-л.) to leave for London —- уезжать в Лондон 8. оставлять to leave one's coat in the hall —- повесить (оставить) пальто в прихожей to leave smth. for smb. to eat —- оставить что-л. кому-л. поесть we left room in the car for...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  without pay отпуск без сохранения содержания LEAVE I noun  1) разрешение, позволение; by/with your leave - с вашего разрешения; I take leave to say - беру на себя смелость сказать  2) отпуск (тж. leave of absence) - on leave - on sick leave - paid leave - leave without pay  3) mil. увольнение  4) отъезд, уход; прощание; to take ones leave (of smb.) - прощаться (с кем-л.)  5) attr. - leave allowance - leave travel - French leave to take leave of ones senses потерять рассудок II v.; past and past part. left  1) покидать  2) уезжать, переезжать; my sister has left for Moscow - моя сестра уехала в Москву; when does the train leave? - когда отходит поезд?  3) оставлять; to leave the rails - сойти с рельсов; to leave hold of - выпустить из рук; seven from ten leaves three 10 - 7 = 3  4) оставлять в том же состоянии; the story leaves him cold - рассказ не трогает его; to leave smth. unsaid (undone) - не сказать (не сделать) чего-л.; some things are better left unsaid - есть вещи, о которых лучше не говорить; I should leave that question alone if I were you - на вашем месте я не касался бы этого вопроса  5) передавать, оставлять; to leave a message for smb. - оставлять кому-л. записку; просить передать что-л.; to leave word for smb. - велеть передать кому-л. (что-либо)  6) приводить в какое-л. состояние; the insult left him speechless - оскорбление лишило его дара речи  7) предоставлять; leave it to me - предоставьте это мне; nothing was left to accident - все было...
Англо-русский словарь
  comp. assem. abbr. High Level Procedure Exit ...
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